Thanksgiving is upon us and while I am excited to eat some good food and have some much needed, well deserved time off from work, this is truly a time to gather with family and loved ones and remind myself of all the many things I have to be thankful for. Throughout the year, day in and day out, it is easy to get caught up in the world and forget about what is most important. It is even easier to look at those around us and play the comparison game and focus on what we may not have and lose sight of all the many things we do have. When I think about why I am thankful, I immediately think about the people in my life. I mean, yes I am thankful for my job, and money to provide for myself and all of the nice things that I have, but the people in my life are what matter the most to me. Recently, my mom and I had a conversation about being rich in spirit, and that has been sitting with me since. Money and material things are all nice and great to have, but nothing in this world will t...
Holiday time in the office is always so great. The company Christmas tree. The Christmas music. Everyone is excited for their travel plans and family time. And of course, we cannot forget the numerous holiday parties and luncheons taking place between November and December. It's the most wonderful time of the year! Whether you're new to a company's holiday culture or a veteran in the game, company holiday gatherings can be a bit overwhelming if you have multiple to attend and keep up with. From planning, attending, and adding your name the potluck sign up sheet, it is very easy to get events confused while trying to keep up with party planners and ensure that you're taking a dish that everyone will enjoy. Check out the following tips to get you thru the holiday parties this year! Join a Committee Believe it or not, joining a committee is a great way to get involved and excited for the holiday office party. Whether it be decorating, catering or cleaning, lendin...