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The Survival Guide: Office Holiday Parties

Holiday time in the office is always so great. The company Christmas tree. The Christmas music. Everyone is excited for their travel plans and family time. And of course, we cannot forget the numerous holiday parties and luncheons taking place between November and December. It's the most wonderful time of the year!

Whether you're new to a company's holiday culture or a veteran in the game, company holiday gatherings can be a bit overwhelming if you have multiple to attend and keep up with. From planning, attending, and adding your name the potluck sign up sheet, it is very easy to get events confused while trying to keep up with party planners and ensure that you're taking a dish that everyone will enjoy.

Check out the following tips to get you thru the holiday parties this year!

  • Join a Committee  Believe it or not, joining a committee is a great way to get involved and excited for the holiday office party. Whether it be decorating, catering or cleaning, lending a helping hand is a way to show your holiday spirit and an even better way to network with you coworkers. Do an awesome job and you could make a great impression going into the new year. Promotion anyone?
  • Take a Dish, Check it Twice  Many holiday luncheons are potlucks and it's highly suggested that attendees bring a dish - while it is easy to bring tableware and utensils, food is always priority. Don't shy away from taking a dish that will keep the office talking! I have found it best to make a crock pot side that I can set up in the break room in the morning that will be ready by lunch. No time to plan and cook? No worries - store bought desserts are always a great go to. Be sure all cooked food is well done and packaged food is sealed tight!
  • Respond to the Invite Request  Most holiday parties rely heavily on the RSVP list to keep track of how many will be attending, eating, bringing a dish and the list goes on. A lot of people showing up without properly accepting the invitation could result in there not being enough food or space to accommodate everyone. If you are unsure, tentatively accept the invite and as it gets closer to the date, confirm your attendance with the host!
  • Have Fun, but Keep it Professional  Office holiday parties are definitely a chance to put work on the back burner for the allotted time, get to know your coworkers and eat yummy comfort food. Though it is a time to socialize, it is still a work event. Be sure to keep work policies at the forefront. Be sure to watch your alcohol consumption should it be served, follow the company dress code policy and no...a mistletoe is not an excuse to make a move on any one of your coworkers!
  • Get in the Spirit  As corny as it might sound at first, office holiday functions can actually be fun! Whether its a simple potluck luncheon or a fancy holiday party event, it's a great way to network, step away from the stress of work and simply have a good time. Get in the spirit and celebrate the accomplishments of the year!
Holiday work functions can be overwhelming, however, they don't have to be. With some planning, organizing and a little getting involved, you'll be in the spirit and ready to mingle with your team! Have fun and enjoy!


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