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Self Care Sunday: Staying Positive No Matter What

Positivity. The practice of being or the tendency to be positive or optimistic in attitude. In other words, the power of not allowing life's BS to get you down and keep you there.

Let's face it, every day is not filled with rainbows and butterflies. Often times, it can feel like a dump truck came and dropped all of its...crap all over you and left you to deal with the mess. That mess can weigh you down, attract more mess, and before you know it you're buried in...crap, with no idea of how to get out of it or how it got there in the first place.

So, how do you navigate through life without letting the bad bring you down and keep you in a funk?

I have found many ways to not allow the bad in life over rule the good. These small practices help me stay positive, happy and optimistic even though the hardest situations. Check them out!

Shift Your Focus
Believe it or not, we have control over our thoughts, feelings and our attitude. Keeping these three things under control play a huge part in staying positive and not allowing people and situations keep you in a negative head space. Thinking happy thoughts will make you feel good and in turn, help you maintain a positive attitude!

Control What You Can, Let Go Of What You Can't
As much as we may want to, we cannot control everything, especially people or outcomes. Some things are just out of our hands, so control the things you can and the things you can't, let them go! That goes for people as well. While we cannot control others, we can express ourselves, communicate and come to agreements with people. Much like the things you cannot control, if someone is not willing to compromise with you and take your feelings into consideration, maybe consider changing your relationship with that person.

Be Intentional
Staying positive through the ups and downs of life is hard work. Now I'm realistic, so I know we all have our down days and moments, but - don't allow yourself to wallow in the down moments. Force yourself to alter your thoughts to more positive thinking through affirmations, writing, speaking what you want/how you want to feel and surrounding yourself with people that make you feel as good as you want to be, truly.

Get Rid Of It
When you notice triggers - whether it be certain thing or people - get rid of them. Maybe not cut a person off completely, but, don't be afraid to take a step back for your well being. Maybe stop listening to the song that makes you think about the person that hurt your feelings, or delete those photos. Facebook is good for showing us parts of our past that we may no longer love and take us to a sad place. Guess what? You can delete those too.

Remember, It's Okay
So you didn't get what you want. That job didn't hire you. Your relationship ended. Your car is acting funny and you have no idea where the funds are going to come from to fix it. It's okay! I promise it is. Honestly, you can't through anything, organize an action plan or get over a tough situation if you are not positive and optimistic. The alternative is panicking, stressing yourself out and being so worried that you don't think about what it will take to get over the hardship. Take it all in stride. Remember, you've survived 100% of your worst days.

Life can be super tough. We cannot control what happens. We can, however, control how we react and handle situations and most importantly - our happiness. Being happy and staying positive has nothing to do with everything going your way, being perfect or always getting what you want. It's more about pushing through the hard times. When you get knocked down, the only thing you can do is get up and keep going!
