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Self Care Sundays: Relax, Organize and Plan Ahead

Happy Self Care Sunday! I have so been looking forward to this day and the launch of this wonderful segment. After the response from Self Care: The Best Care I felt it was important to make Self Care an ongoing topic here at Briana, I Am. It's so very important to practice self care not every once in a blue moon or once a month but every day! A lot of people don't think they can with their schedule or their funds but let me tell you - it is possible! With Self Care Sundays I want to remind everyone that self care does not have to be elaborate or costly - you can practice Self Care right from the comfort of you own home without spending a dime. Remember, Self Care is about doing what you need to do for yourself to help you feel better, be better and do better. What you need to achieve those three things can vary. Whatever it takes, it's important to make Self Care not just a habit but a priority. Check out how I practiced Self Care this week!


This weekend I did one of my favorite things I the world...NOTHING! I did not a thing and I didn't realize how much I needed it. I had plans with one of my Sister Friends that got cancelled and I was super bummed because it was gorgeous outside and I wanted to get out and enjoy the day, which is what most people want to do on a beautiful Saturday. While sitting on my balcony I decided I was going to take some much needed time to myself and enjoy being at home and the timing couldn't have been more perfect. When you work and are always on the go it is so easy for days to fly by, including the weekend and before you know it your alarm is sounding off on Monday morning and you're wondering, where did my time go?! It's very rare that I have absolutely nothing to do so I took advantage of the few hours of down time I had! Of course I had to give myself the perfect set up - I took Jack for a walk, ran to the grocery store and got myself the biggest bottle of my favorite wine, and and tidied up a few things around the house. It just so happened that my Mom ordered Wonder Woman om Amazon Prime, so you can already guess what I did. That's right! I sat my butt on the couch, kicked my feet up, started the movie and....WENT TO SLEEP! As washed as that may sound, it was the greatest nap ever that was much needed. I truly feel like the universe kept telling me to relax and I am so glad I did. Sometimes you really need do nothing, start one of your favorite movies and sleep through it to truly relax and recharge. Ha!


I'm not sure about anyone else, but I am the happiest person when I am organized. Clutter around me clutters my mind as well and gives me the worst anxiety. Whether it's my desk at work, the cabinet under the bathroom sink, my car - I do better in organization. The problem is finding the time and the energy to tackle these areas. During the week I decided to give myself the evening off from working my side gig or doing any writing to tackle one important area in my closet.

An organized closet is so important and yet it is the one place that can get real messy, real quick - and I have no idea how! Seriously, I truly cannot tell you how my closet goes from being organized and everything in it's rightful place to not being able to see the floor. I do know that it slows me down. Think about it. How much time do you spend in the morning looking for something to wear? I don't know about you but I spend more time looking thank I do actually getting ready! And it can be extremely frustrating. So, I did something about it. It felt so good to put everything in it's place and to be able to get ready for work in the morning without the struggles of tossing clothes around to find my favorite boots!

What areas in your life needs to be organized? I truly encourage everyone to make some time to organize if those areas exists. You'll feel so much better, you'll be able to think clearly and who knows you may even find your old favorite top or shoes in your closet; I know I did!

Plan Ahead...

So, how do I plan on carrying Self Care into the new week? A few ways. For one, that closet will not get the best of me. It's been 4 days and it still looks good as new and I plan to keep it that way. I also decided to start preparing my work clothes at night to give me more time in the morning and to encourage me to keep my closet up to par. It's going to take a lot of discipline but, growth doesn't happen in comfort zones! I also want to get back to healthy. My body has been speaking to me and it's time I finally listen. I have been using being busy and having a hectic schedule as an excuse for why I don't work out as much as I used to and I am putting an end to that. I miss that post workout feeling! So I am working on a schedule to help me get back in the gym. I am super excited! I miss that post workout feeling and I can't wait to share with you all how I make it happen! If you haven't yet, plan your Self Care in advance and make it a priority to take care of yourself - you'll be happy that you did!

I hope you have a wonderful Self Care Sunday! It doesn't stop here though! Let today encourage you to carry Self Care with you every day so you can work on feeling better, being better and doing better. Have you practiced Self Care this week? How do you plan on including it in the new week coming up? Comment and share below! Let's encourage and motivate one another to GROW and GLOW together! 
