Lately I have been feeling a strong need to change my life. I want and need to shake things up, do something different to take myself to the next level. There are a few things that I have realized are getting in my way of that. Habits. They are so easy to develop and oh so hard to change. We all have habits and routines that we practice every day. From smoking, to biting fingernails, using profanity, drinking coffee, constantly checking social media first thing in the morning and I could go on but the list is truly endless. Anything can be considered a habit no matter how big or small it may seem. I am dealing with a terrible habit myself that I am so desperately trying hard to kick… Here goes... I am a snoozer and I sleep until the last possible second before getting up for work… Whew! It felt good to get that off my chest! But, it’s true. I moved closer to work and my habit has only gotten worse. I can literally sleep in until about 7:22am, ...
Just A Young Woman Trying To Make It!